There. I said it.
I got up at 5.30am to watch Obama's inauguration. I know, I know, I could have just got up at some reasonable time and watched it on delayed coverage at 11, but I wanted it to be memorable. You know, be able to tell the Grandkids about how 'i remember' (in that shaky old lady voice) ' when i got up at some crazy ass hour to watch McHottie Obama get sworn in as the first African American President of the USA. Oh, he was fiiiine! And you know, that wife of his, she wore this amazing dress. Showed off her figure it did. Brought classic elegance back to the White House, yes indeed.'
Not entirely sure how the voice in my head ended up with a Southern American accent.
So, someone told Aretha Franklin that that hat was a good idea. It really wasn't. Though I like the shades of grey. Mmm grey.
Paul Henry's tie on Breakfast? Was he taking the piss?
I was intrigued by the amount Obama referred to bringing in an era of the States being an international peace keeping force. It's about time.
Obama said it: He tangata, he tangata, he tangata. It is the people, it is the people, it is the people. And boy, did the people come. Holy crap, that was a crowd. I wonder how many had to step over the corpses of their prejudice to turn up and support the first African American President.
My hope is that his mentioning the great concern of global warming will lead to greater global action on the issue.. John Key seems determined to pawn to dirty old Rodney Hide and have a select committee that considers if climate change even frigging exists. Shame on you, smiley man.
Dick Cheney in a wheel chair. Ah, karma.
Despite what i'm going to tell the grandkids, i'm not sure about Michelle Obama's dress. Carly Flynn liked it. I'm fond of the design, but not the colour. Or the sparkle. But the cut is very Jackie O. Good. That's what she needs to do.
I can just imagine what is going through her head while watching Bush leave in the helicopter -
'oh my goodness. I am holding the hand of the President of the United States. OMG. OMFG. This is my life. How did I get here?And later, i'll go to BED with the PRESIDENT! Holy crap. Better shave my legs.'
Obama is a symbol of hope that everyone, no matter what, can cheer for. Just because he identifies with Bob the Builder and tells us that 'yes, we can.'
I had chocolate cake for breakfast. Because, yes, i can. Anyway, how else is one meant to celebrate history?
oh Oliver Driver. You are beautiful. And tall. And so hot in that black on black suit. My Mum doesn't like it. I adore that you stare down the camera at me and take the piss. And say all the completely inappropriate things that everyone is thinking but would never dare say.
Right. Coffee time.
Love, Polly xx
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