Tuesday, January 27, 2009

And, in the news(paper) today...

one thing i've noticed - our broken-armed PM might be getting in the news - but he's only getting teeny-tiny snippets. Hardly a photo since the stair-tumble. One would think he's been PM for three years and everyone is bored, not a fresh and new and exciting leader. Unlike someone else we know. (Yep, Mr Obama, here's looking at you).

The World Section of the Dom brought more interesting things. A tiny bit about crumbling support for Gordon Brown and Labour in Britain.

Richard Long in the The Long View suggests some small government departments should be scrapped in order to make room in the Budget. Just another opinion piece riding the Obama wave? Not that Obama's specifically said he's going to cut bureaucracy, more that public money needs to be spent wisely and carefully on projects (and staff) of high value. Maybe 3M should watch their bottom line, some peeps might be cutting back on their post-it note orders. 

I'm all for this sort of concern about using the people's money - as long as services that have an effect on and improve their lives aren't impacted. If a little old lady in her state house can't get the ponding in her back yard fixed and the hole in her ceiling patched up, forgettaboutit. And there's no need to take the craft knife to public sector in New Zealand just because Obama says so.

Simon Upton then opines that the Greens (in Nandor's words) 'fastened their lifeboat to a sinking ship.' I can see where he's coming from. Had the Greens, shock horror, gone into coalition with National, our little old lady might get some free insulation action when the hole is patched up - saving her precious money on the power bill. Wouldn't that be using MMP for all it's worth? Though in that case i'd be putting money on the coalition falling apart within six months faster than Rodney Hide can say 'there's no such thing as climate change'.

Normally I don't venture so far as the Business section, but I was looking for my horoscope. Obama dominates almost the entire second page. Not a very flattering or big photo. Maybe the paper was trying to imply that they're moving on to concentrate less on how beautiful he is and more on the serious business of the President. 

Instead we're treated to the asses of a pile of bikers. Apparently the US are thinking about another multi-billion dollar bail out of the American banks. Those banks that did all the dodgy debt dealing and caused all the crap in the first place. 'Economic stimulus' sounds much more enticing than 'bank bail out' doesn't it? 

This is the point where I wonder why i'm following all this political stuff. The news is all doom and gloom and thundery clouds bearing down on us.

And my horoscope?
'Don't let love lead you astray. Formulate your ideas and put them to the test, even if someone is trying to slow you down.' 

So, even the stars think I should find me a proper man instead of dreaming of the President. 

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