Thursday, February 12, 2009

I've been bumped off my flight, and for the first time ever, am sitting in a Koru Lounge, drinking free booze and bludging wireless net. Woop! 

My first thought was, i wonder which endlessly important person took my seat. 

I walked past Speaker Lockwood Smith when I came in, who then left when the flight I should have been on was called.

He has been doing a great job as Speaker. It's about time someone reigned in the appalling habit of refusing to directly answer questions in the House. As a member of the general public, i'd like to know the answer to some of those questions rather than get a series of point-scoring politics-playing comments. Ministers should be answerable to those who voted them in, and it's the job of the Opposition to ask those questions. So bravo, Lockwood, for changing the game. 

I find it wonderfully hilarious that he is taking the role of Speaker and creating theatre. His jaunty stance, his careful wardrobe choices (the red silk lining of his robes today was inspired), and his decision to re-route the Speaker's procession may be indulgent but shows that he is going to be one to remember. 

Being shackled to a student loan, however, i'm going to lump him with the blame for the student loan system. He may start on the road to redemption if he continues the great performance seen thus far as speaker. 

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